Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Welcome to our National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) site. We are here to celebrate NaNoWriMo by creating a novel in thirty days starting November 1st. For students thirteen to eighteen, you can create your own word-count goal and try to achieve it within the month.

If you would like to join the Thornton Public Library’s Young Readers Program for National Novel Writing Month, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Visit ywp.nanowrimo.org

Step 2: Click “Sign Up” in the upper right corner. 
Step 3: Select your Profile - “Young Writer”
Step 4: Select your birthdate from the drop down menu
Step 5: Join Classroom - Enter code LJCONOVR 
Step 6: Make sure it says “Is Thornton Library Classroom” the correct group? - Click “Yes, Join Classroom” (If question is not correct, please contact me at 708-877-2579 or kdejnowski@thorntonlibrary.org.)
Step 7: Enter email, username, and first name, time zone {Central Time (U.S.– Chicago)}, and check the accept terms box
Step 8: Enter password, confirm password and select two security questions typing in their answers below the chosen question. 
Step 9: Select “Create Account” and you’re ready to start your writing journey!

We can also do Camp Nanowrimo during the months of April and July through the Young Writers Nanowrimo site by creating a classroom and making a camp project. Please let me know if you are interested and I will set one up.

For more information please see Resources.


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